23rd Annual Spring Visit Day
May 5, 2022
(Consortium speaker Series - May 4)

Online Registration - CMU Attendees

This form will allow you to submit your registration information for the Parallel Data Lab Spring 2022 Visit Day. Please contact if you need more information.

Once you have registered for Visit Day, you will be added to the mailing list to receive further information about the event as it becomes available.

Registration Form

First Name:
(first line on nametag)
Last Name:
(second line on nametag)
Departmental Affiliation:
If Other:
Cell Phone:
Emergency Contact:
Emerg Contact Phone:

Link to photo of you*:

* If you think Joan does not already have a photo of you, please provide a link to one. Even if you don't usually like your image to appear online, this is important for our industry guests to help them recognize you/give you a name in the materials we make available to them. Alternatively, you can send the image to via email.

If you know you will NOT be attending, please check here:

    I Am Not Participating (jump to "REGISTER" button)


Who is your advisor or supervisor?

Which research project are you working on?

Projected graduation date if you are a student?

Are you actively looking for employment at this time?

Yes No

If yes, the visit day photo page will have a link to your resume highlighting it for our guests, and you will be identified as "Seeking Employment" on your nametag. Please send an updated CV to , and make sure she has a recent picture.


Please indicate which meals you will be attending:

(~8:30 am, location TBA)
Yes No
Morning poster session Yes No
(location TBA)
Yes No
Afternoon poster session Yes No
(~6:00/6:30 pm, location TBA)
Yes No
Special requirements for meals: The lovely buffets provided by our caterers always include a variety of vegetarian dishes. If you think this type of selection will meet your dietary needs, please choose "no preference" below. If you require a special plate prepared for you, please do not hesitate to indicate your choice below. For more information, please contact .
    other special requests, please indicate below

    no preference


Please check here if you are under 21 years of age.

    Under 21

Other comments or information you would like to provide:

Details will continue to be updated via the PDL Visit Day web page.